Thursday 1 December 2011

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

So, The Sorcerer's Apprentice MUST be the BESt movie ever made. I mean, there's action suspence... and it's sorta a love story. NO movie is complete without all of that. It's SO my fav movie by far. So, now why don't I name all the characters? I SHALL!!!!

David Stutler
Dave is the guy on the right, on the right. Dave is funny, and is... THE PRIMERLINIAN!!!!
He's super funny and he thinks he's normal, but he's a powerful sorcerer.

Balthazar Blake
Balthazar is the wise sorcerer who has a complicated past. He tries to teach Dave to preform spells. He is an awesome sorcerer.
Maxim Horvath
This evil sorcerer goes by Horvath. He was once one of the three apprentices... of Merlin!! That is, until Veronica, one of the apprentices... chose Balthazar to love instead of him. Boy, did he ever hold a grudge!

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